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Maps over Idre Fjäll

Don't know where to go? Here are some helpful maps to help you find your way on Idre Fjäll. 


Bike Map

Bike Map ➚

Running & Hiking

Trail Map

Hiking Map ➚

Idre Fjäll

Area Map

Area Map ➚

Campground Map


Campground Map ➚


Piste Map

Piste Map ➚

Cross-country skiing

Track Map

Track Map ➚

Take the Fjälltåget Around the Mountain

Leave your car and hop on the Fjälltåget (the mountain train)! You can ride for free (you don't even need a Ski pass) between our cottage areas, Askes Ski Area (Askes Summer Meadow during the summer), and the Sydgondolen base station. Fjälltåget is a convenient way to get around the mountain without the hassle of loading and unloading your car. Dogs and bikes are welcome, subject to space availability.

See where the Fjälltåget is now

Stugby - Tour

The Square – Västbyn – Västbyn/Skogsbyn Passage – Skogsbyn – Gammelbyn – Sports Rental South – Recycling Station Dalsbyn – Söderbyn – Söderbyn/Dähliebyn Passage – Dähliebyn – Söderbyn/Dähliebyn Passage – Recycling Station Dalsbyn – Gammelbyn – Torget

Starting times from The Square

09.30, 10.45, 12.00, 13.15, 14.30 & 15.15

Skills Area Tour

The Square – Skills Area – Askes Summer Meadow – The Camping – Askes Summer Meadow – The Square

Starting times from The Square

12.30 & 15.00

The Gondola - Tour

The Square – Skills Area – Askes Summer Meadow – The Camping – Gondola Bottom Station – The Camping – Askes Summer Meadow – The Square

Starting times from The Square

10.00, 11.15, 13.45 & 15.45

Gondola Bottom Station - The Square 

Gondola Bottom Station – The Square

Starting times from The Gondola Bottom Station

10.25, 11.40, 14.10 & 16.10

Getting to Idre Fjäll

Are you looking for information on how to get to Idre Fjäll?

Directions to Idre Fjäll