Here, we have gathered important information about check-in and check-out, as well as other details that are good to know before your stay at Idre Fjäll.
From 15:00 in Askebyn, Skogsbyn, Fjällbyn, Gammelbyn, Västbyn, Ski apartment and Gränjesåsbyn.
From 16:00 in Centrumbyn, Dähliebyn, Dalsbyn, Söderbyn, Söderhöjden, Parkbyn and Hjelmbacken.
On Saturdays and Sundays when many guests visit us, you check in at the check-in kiosk located to the right just as you turn into Idre Fjäll. The kiosk is open between 15:00 and 18:00. For late arrivals, you will find your key envelope for your accommodation in the key box at the bus stop just to the right after the bridge at the Square. Look for the sign "Keys evening time."
On other arrival days, check-in takes place at the key box at the bus stop just to the right after the bridge at the Square. Look for the sign "Keys evening time."
If you stay in one of our accommodations equipped with a door code, you will receive a text message no later than 16.00 on your arrival day. Once your accommodation has been cleaned and is ready, you will receive a text message with check-in instructions and the door code to your accommodation.
Unlock the door by entering the code you received in the check-in text message. To lock the door again, lift the handle upwards.
Enter the code you received in the text message, followed by the padlock symbol, to open the key box. There is a fixed key and a loose key inside the box. Please consider storing the loose key in the box during your stay as well.
If you haven't received a text message or need assistance, you can contact the reception at +46 (0) 253-41253. If the reception is closed, you can contact the emergency number at +46 (0) 70-5321963.
Check-in for groups takes place only at the reception at the Square. A maximum of one contact person per group is welcome to check in and collect lift passes, trail passes, and meal bands.
You check out by leaving your keys in one of the key boxes located to the right, just before the bridge when viewed from the Square.
You check out at the hotel’s reception.
To check out, follow the instructions you receive in the text message sent on the day of departure.
To check out, please follow the instructions in the text message sent before the departure day. Lock the door by lifting the handle upward. Your code will cease to function after check-out.
To check out, please follow the instructions in the text message sent prior to the departure day. Ensure that the spare key is placed in the key box upon departure.
We at Idre Fjäll prioritize environmental work as an important part of our vision, "Idre Fjäll 2037 – a future closer to nature", and reducing unnecessary energy consumption is a crucial aspect. We have taken several measures to achieve this before the upcoming winter season, but we also need your help as a guest.
Opening hours from December 21, 2024, until end of the winter season:
08.00-09.00 and 16.00-17.00
We refer to the Health advice hotline and the Health care center in Särna. In case of emergencies, always dial 112.
If you need medical advice you can contact the Health advice hotline. Call +46 (0) 771 11 77 00; the line is open 24/7.
If you need medical attention, you can visit the Health care center in Särna. The phone number is +46 (0) 253 49 87 00. Remember to always bring your European Health Insurance Card with you.
In case of emergency, call 112!
There is no pharmacy in the Idre region. The nearest pharmacy can be found in Sälen (110 kilometers away), or Älvdalen (120 kilometers away). Therefore, ensuring you have all the medications you need for your entire stay in Idre before traveling is important.