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Orienteer in a Magical Mountain Environment

Sharpen your orienteering skills while experiencing the unique nature that Idre Fjäll has to offer. Run through enchanted forests and across mountains in true wilderness.

Orienteering at Idre Fjäll offers challenges for all levels. There are no fields or roads to navigate, it's just you, the mountains, and the forest – allowing you to fully focus on the experience, the map, and the views.

Terrain and Map Descriptions

Orienteering maps are available for purchase at the reception in the Activity Center.

Bare mountain

This is an amazing area, where you'll enjoy orienteering on the bare mountain between Nipfjället and Städjan. Good visibility and running terrain, although partly rocky. Moderately to very hilly in some areas. There are few tracks and no streams. In clear weather you'll be able to enjoy the beautiful mountain views of Dalarna, with Städjan as the domineering peak.

The map was made during 2019-2020 by Kenneth Kaisajuntti and Per Forsberg.


In this area you'll find a mix of lovely mountain forests and bare mountains. This is wilderness! The terrain is moderately to very hilly and your orienteering skills will be put to the test in these varied slopes. Good visibility as well as good running terrain, with some rocks. There are vey few guiding features such as streams or tracks.

The map was made during 2019/2020 by Per Forsberg and Kenneth Kaisajuntti.

Idre Fjäll

This is a classic sprint area among Idre Fjäll's cabins. You'll run through villages, on roads and up our pistes in this hilly and challenging run.

The map was made by Göran Andersson during 2019-2020.


Brunnan offers interesting terrain along the stream Brunnan. This area is especially suited for middle distance training. The visibility is good, the terrain allows running and is moderately hilly. Fen terrain cuts in between hills.

The map was made during 2019-2020 by Per Forsberg.


Slättvåla is perhaps the most popular area. Enjoy amazing wilderness, with good visibility as well as terrain. Experience the silent and untouched nature. The terrain ranges form moderate to very hilly in this area well suited for long distance practice.

The map was made during 2019 by Kenneth Kaisajuntti.