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Camps and Sports

Training and School Trips

Idre Fjäll is the ultimate destination for camps and sports. Here, you can stay, dine, train, and explore – all conveniently within walking distance. In the summer, we offer more than 60 exciting activities, ensuring your next outdoor adventure is always close. 

Create unforgettable memories

School Trips

Customize your school trip

Compete in the mountains


More information about orienteering

School Trips

If the criteria for a school trip are fun and exciting activities, you should definitely read on. White-water rafting, high ropes courses, archery tag, or mountain biking – here you'll find many favorite activities. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need help planning the school trip.

Training Camps

In winter, summer, and fall, Idre Fjäll is a popular destination for training camps. Our philosophy is that accommodation, activities, and facilities should be within walking distance – all to allow more time for training and recovery.

Here you'll find, among other things, a sports hall, gym, roller ski track, and endless opportunities for mountain running. Everything is right outside the door!

Training at Idre Fjäll


Our activity center is the hub for indoor sports at Idre Fjäll. The courts measure 25x15 meters and are suitable for handball, floorball and basketball. The facility is a perfect space for all sorts of indoor training.


At the Ski stadium you find our roller-skiing course of 3,3 km as well as a shooting range for Biathlon.


The gym, with a selected range of gym equipment is located in our Activity center. Come work out!

Walking distance

Accomondation resturants, and training facilities. At Idre Fjäll it´s all within walking distance. In other words, it´s set for a quality stay.

Cabins, Hotel and Camping


Book your stay

Eat and drink


Explore our restaurants