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Book your activities through our website

Choose from a wide range of exciting activities below. To ensure your place, make sure to book no later than the day before the activity takes place. The easiest way to book is below, directly on this page.

Do you want to book close to an activity's starting time?

Many of our activities are bookable online until the very same day/time the acitivity starts. But not all of them, some need to be booked in advance when you book online. However, you can always contact us by e-mail or phone if you want to book close to the starting time. And of course, feel free to contact us should you have any questions. 

Phone: 0046 (0)253-412 32
E-mail: aktiviteter@idrefjall.se

Telephone hours
June 17 - August 25
Monday - Friday 08:45 - 15:00.

It is also possible to book at Idre Fjäll's reception or by calling our customer support: 0046 (0)253 410 00.