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Live Views of the Mountain

Here you'll find our webcams on Idre Fjäll. Watch to see the mountains in real time. The cameras are up all year round, 24 hours a day. 

Dalstation Väst 6:an Dalstation Väst 6:an
Västbacken Västbacken
Toppstation Ost 6:an Toppstation Ost 6:an
Dalstation Ost 6:an Dalstation Ost 6:an
Dalstation Sydgondolen Dalstation Sydgondolen
Skidstadion Skidstadion
Dalstation Nord 6:an Dalstation Nord 6:an

Always the cheapest online


Buy your Skipass

Slopes in all cardinal directions

Alpine Skiing

Go skiing at Idre Fjäll

Well-prepared ski tracks

Cross Country Skiing

Explore our ski tracks