Here you will find the additions to Idre Fjäll's booking terms and conditions that apply to groups and companies.
Idre Fjäll has provided a travel guarantee through Kammarkollegiet ➚ via Nordic Guarantee Försäkrings AB ➚.
The travel guarantee serves as financial protection for travelers in the event of trip cancellation or interruption due to the insolvency of the travel operator. Travelers can apply for compensation from the travel guarantee in such cases.
The Security Package can be purchased to avoid extra costs in case of an accident or theft of the equipment. The Security Package frees you from liability for damage to rented equipment caused by accidents or theft. Damage caused by negligence or careless handling is not covered by the Security Package. Stolen equipment must be reported to the police, and the police report must be presented at the Sports Rental.
The security package can only be purchased at the time of rental or booking.