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Board & Management

Support & Strategy at Idre Fjäll

We continuously work to improve Idre Fjäll for both our guests and our staff. Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any questions, suggestions, or if you would like to help us improve!

Calle Enarsson

Interim CEO & Commercial

Mikael Sjöqvist

Economy & Finance

Tommy Halvarsson

Marketing & PR

Mediakontakt / Media Contact

Ida Einarsson

People & Culture

Karin Nybrolin

Business Development

Idre Fjäll's Board of Directors

Our board of directors consists of representatives from Idre Fjäll's operations and from the founding partners of the foundation.

Jörg Bassek
Chairman of the board

Calle Enarsson
Interim CEO

Tomas Ringsby
Vice chairman of the board

Hans Kristiansson 
Union representantive

Barbara Frilund-Ekberg
Appointed by the district council, Älvdalens kommun

Emil Henning
Appointed by the district council, Älvdalens kommun

Kjell Tenn
Appointed by the district council, Älvdalens kommun

Jörg Bassek
Appointed by Friluftsfrämjandet

Henrik Tell
Appointed by Friluftsfrämjandet